Approved by the University Faculty Senate in 1985, the
Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
is responsible for their oversight and the
Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence
manages the SRTE process and helps facilitate appropriate use of SRTE data.
- Instructors: New instructions added for:
- SRTEs will be administered in Spring 2025,
but results will be available only to instructors
- Granting Proxy Access
- Adding Your Photo to Your SRTE
Important Dates
Semester |
Offering Dates1 |
Results Available2 |
SP20 |
Apr 20 - May 3 |
May 18 |
灯蓝app下载 |
Aug 3 - Aug 13 |
Aug 28 |
1 Dates for a traditional semester.
2 This is the latest date results are released. Results are typically available within 5 business days after course grades are recorded in LionPath.